Spider-Man is a fictional Marvel Comics superhero. The character first appeared in Amazing Fantasy # 15 (August 1962), and was created by writer and editor Stan Lee and designed by artist Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby and the plot. Lee and Ditko characters conceived as an orphan by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben raised as a normal teenager, to deal with the normal struggles of their youth in the side of costumed crime fighters. Spider-Man's creator gives him the ability to stick to walls, shoot their own invention of the spin using the "web-shooters," and quickly respond to danger with "spider-sense", which his enemies, including fighting Doctor Octopus, the Sandman, the Lizard, the Green Goblin, Venom and many others.
When Spider-Man first appeared in the early 1960s, teenagers in a comic book superheroes are usually submitted to peer into the role of the protagonist. Spider-Man series broke ground by showing Peter Parker, a teenage high school students who "self-obsessions with rejection, inadequacy, and loneliness" young readers could easily relate. Unlike previous teen heroes such as James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes and Robin, Spider-Man does not benefit from a mentor protégé of each adult as Captain America and Batman, and he must learn for himself that "with great power comes great responsibility" - an entry in the text box on the last panel of the first Spider-Man stories, but then dropped by his guardian, Uncle Ben.
Marvel has featured Spider-Man in several comic series, the first and longest bear named The Amazing Spider-Man. Over the years, Peter Parker character has developed from shy high school student to student in trouble with a married teacher and member of the superhero team the New Avengers. In the comics, Spider-Man is often referred to as "Spidey", "Web-Slinger", "wall-crawler" or "web-heads."
Spider-Man is one of the most popular and commercially successful superheroes. Marvel's flagship character and mascot company, in different forms of media, including several animated and live action television shows, syndicated newspaper comic actor and successful series starring Tobey Maguire as "environmentally friendly" hero. Spider-Man Empire magazine named the fifth greatest comic book characters.
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30 June 2008
Spider-Man Comics
Label: Comics
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